Scar Tissue of the Soul


I.   Development:


A. The soul has “lungs” for breathing (Ephesians 4:23). “And be renewed in the spirit (breathing) of your mind.” Also, often the Greek noun KARDIA (heart) is used for the lungs of the soul. The Word of God is inhaled and exhaled.


B. The soul has two lungs, hereinafter designated “left bank” and “right bank.” Each lung possesses apertures: Inhale of Bible doctrine on the left bank; exhale on the right bank.


C. The right bank is designed for relationship with mankind, while the left bank is designed for relationship with God.


D. Scar tissue is built up on the left bank of the soul by means of negative volition toward Bible doctrine. This in turn opens the vacuum, MATAIOTES (Greek word translated ‘vanity’ in Ephesians 4:17) into which ‘cosmos’ (worldly) evil and wisdom follows.


E. Scar tissue is built on the right bank of the soul in several ways:

            1) Adultery (Proverbs 6:32; Ephesians 4:19) — Single or married.

            2) Mental Attitude Sins (1 John 2:9, 11) — bitterness, pride, jealousy, hate, revenge tactics in the thought pattern, spite, guilt complex, etc.

            3) Also drunkenness and drugs can cause scar tissue on the soul.


F. How Scar tissue is removed:

            1) The unbeliever loses scar tissue at the point of salvation (Isaiah 43:25; 44:22). All scar tissue is removed.

            2) The believer’s recovery from scar tissue

                        a) Rebound. This provides the filling of the Spirit. Rebound does not remove scar tissue but it sets up the believer (the filling of the Holy Spirit) so that it can be removed.

                        b) Crash program: Learning doctrine (Hebrews 6)

                        c) Exhale of residual doctrine (EPIGNOSIS) from the human spirit. This results in an edification complex in the soul. EPIGNOSIS forms the foundation and upon this is erected grace orientation, mastery of the details of life, a relaxed mental attitude, the capacity to love, and +H or inner happiness.


G. Scar tissue can completely cover the soul:

            1. For an unbeliever the result may be suicide.

            2. For a believer like Annanias or Sapphira it means the sin unto death (1 John 5:16). Suicide can take place in believers as well; they are still saved, however.


H. The antithesis of scar tissue in the Christian life is the existence of the edification complex in the soul [ECS].


II.  Six Greek words for “scar tissue”:

            1) MATAIOTES: The emptiness or vacuum in the soul sucking in darkness, legalism, cosmic wisdom. The English word ‘vanity’ is used in Ephesians 4:17.

            2) DIANOIA: The thoughts of the soul. Translated by the English words, ‘understanding,’ or ‘mind.’

                        a) Darkness: Satanic thoughts — Ephesians 4:18; Colossians 1:21.

                        b) Doctrine: Divine perception — 2 Peter 3:1.

            3) SKOTIZO: Have become blacked out; blackout of the soul — Romans 1:21; 11:10. Translated by the English word ‘darkened.’

            4) APALLOTRIOO:  Alienated from the life of God — Ephesians 2:12; 4:18; Colossians 1:21. Translated by the English word ‘alienated,’ or ‘aliens.’

            5) AGNOIA: Ignorance — Ephesians 4:18.

            6. POROSIS: Scar tissue in the soul. Translated ‘blindness’ in Ephesians 4:18 and Romans 11:25.